Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Further Questions 
Eventually I wish to take my dancing career into teaching. Overall that is the reason for doing this course ! However with having the advantage of being young I have taken up the opportunity of travelling  and dancing by working on a cruise ship hense already done the carribean. I have figured this is a good thing to do because I am young and have no responsibilities. My ultimate goal is to get as much experience as I can around me before I turn to teaching ! This could be with land shows, casinos and perhaps bigger ships with itineries that I have never done before. The question I came up with is that with all this extra experience would it necessarily make you a better teacher ? This question I hope to explore more of. Would you have more of a better chance at suceeding as a teacher in  comparison to a student who has just graduated from college and wants to be a dance teacher ? Yes and no, if I was a customer I would blatantly go with the teacher who has all the credits behind them as it shows they know about the buissness and have in fact have made it themselves.Even when training in college I had more respect for the teachers who had made it in the industry and could relate back to their careers, Here is an example of the teacher I respected the most. 

link :
From just seeing his credits on his personal website I can see how important and successfull he really was in his day and this is already a great start for a teacher because the students have already gained the respect. However on the other side this doesnt necessarily make them a better teacher. How do they come across with there students in a teaching enviroment ? are they clear ? are they understanding? The teacher could have all the experience in the industry behind them however be a complete disaster in a class situation! I wish to explore and look into this area deeper, if anyone has any further thoughts please do not hesitate in commenting on my inquiry, thankyou 

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