Monday, March 21, 2011


5A Ethics and codes of practice
Regulations and codes of practice for being a dancer and crew member on a cruise ship
  • Be professional at all times, 
when we began our training in Miami it was important to act in a professional way, listening, concentrating and referring to detail when learning the new steps,
Even now we know the shows so naturally however we should still be professional in our dress runs and tech runs by doing the numbers full out, even though we know them off by heart.Its also extremely important that I maintain energy and enthusiasm on stage despite my own mood or circumstance.
  • Be supportive and open minded to suggestions from other cast members all the time
 We are such a small cast with there only being a total of 7 of us. It is so important that we support one another as this can effect our moods and overall performance on stage, we should listen to one another to make areas of the shows better and point out the weakness that we can improve on
  • Treat every cast member equally
We all have different parts of our jobs whether it being a singer or dancer, together we are equal and support each others different areas in order to give out a good overall performance. In our group we also all have different ages with myself being the youngest and the oldest at 32! Everybody comes from different backgrounds and also different countries, just because someone was trained differently to you doesn't make them any better or worse! also we all have different amounts of experience behind us, its important not to look past those who are less experienced and feel higher than them, we are ALL equal.
  • Presentation Onstage
Going back to my line of enquiry on presentation I talked about how important it is to look good on stage, the audience wants to see pretty dancers so its always important for me to take care of myself and prepare myself well before the show
  • Comply to all the rules and regulations to my contract
avoid endangering my own health when I get off the ship, eg avoid dangerous activities such as jet skiing, zip lining, roller blading
As well as dancing in the evening my day job is to be a silver seas crew member. My  job includes many other duties that I do with guests. These include, golf, volleyball, ping pong, socializing, shuffleboard, table tennis, internet and general library duties. Here are my regulations and codes of practice for being a crew member:
  • I should be a confident member off staff
When walking around the ship the guests see me as staff, they should feel comfortable to approach me and ask any questions they have or with anything they are unsure on, they should have trust in me and they will see this by my confident presence
  • Know all aspects of my job

I must understand the responsibility that I have for all the other guests  if the ship was to be abandoned or if there was an emergency, responsibilities include knowing where all the life rafts and lifeboats are positioned on deck, knowing what to do in an emergency and where to guide guests. I may go into this area more deeply as we are always undergoing safety training as staff to ensure that we all know what we are doing hence there was an emergency, we do this so often because its extremely important!
  • Demonstrate professional attitudes,e g . being polite, being punctual and on time to all my duties and being pleasant and approachable and wearing the correct uniform. Give out a good attitude and respect and listen to guests.
To come up with these regulations I had to go back to my own personal ethics to which I probably learnt from my parents as a small child, these include my manners and general well being that makes me a good crew member, I also learnt more in school such as organizational skills with homework and again in college, small things like not leaning on the bar listening to instructions and a good work ethic and pride in the class room. Adding this together with professional ethics such as good technique and health and safety regulations makes me a successful crew member and dancer aboard the Silver cloud. 

1 comment:

  1. Your job brings in areas that are distinct from performing - interesting contractual ones like the 'no skiing' clause - and presentation - Natalie has talked about body image but presentation is perhaps a standard compliance for those on stage... Alan has a good blog about personal ethics... how do these compare with the research ethics for this course? getting informed consent and gathering confidential and anonymous data? Emily Rose gives the downside to this on her blog - your blog certainly links in with many others
