Friday, March 18, 2011


Looking back I remembered when I started this course. It was the very first month aboard the silver Cloud. My first job and first contract, the job that made my debut as a professional dancer.I have always understood the competitiveness of the dancing world and so for me to have this job is such an amazing opportunity. Now coming to the end of my contract I realize I will soon have to go through the whole audition process again in order to get myself another job.But what got me this job? Well, from going through the audition process and by looking at the dancers I am working with, I’ve found myself thinking and understanding that image is an extremely important part of the process. I want to continue looking into this more as I feel it may help my chances again in finding another job. I have also noticed a large percentage of students studying the same area and I feel I can relate to them and share the many ideas that I have. I am always looking for new paths in order to extend this line enquiry, I would be very open and appreciative to any comments or suggestions.

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