Thursday, March 24, 2011


For this task I was asked to find the codes of practice / regulations that steer the framework of my professional practice. From looking at my thoughts and assumptions from the above task I came to realize that I had two in one! Being a dancer but also a crew member. I researched onto the net and found two brilliant formats of the legalization's for a crew member and also two examples of legal codes of conduct for a working dancer in a company.  Even though I am not part of a dance company on land I am part of a production team onboard the ship, the comparisons were similar and were as close as I could get. Here are my following links:
The crew members code of conduct
From looking at this a spotted an interesting quote that stood out to me as it not only applied as a crew member but as a dancer in my cast. I also find it interesting that its the guiding principle!
As a guiding principle, member cruise lines conduct their worldwide operations according to the highest standard of business integrity and fair treatment of employees. All personnel, shipboard and shore side, have the basic right to be respected and treated in a fair and just manner at all times by superiors and fellow employees.”
Just as a dancer part of Jean Ann Ryans agency we have to give out the “highest standard of business” as a performer onstage and with “fair treatment of employees” being our fellow castmates.This fits in with the overall ethics in my professional environment!
“provide a workplace free of discrimination based on gender, race, religion, age, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, social or ethnic origin.”
Again this quote backs up my code of conduct as a dancer in task 5a where I point out that every cast member should be treated equally onstage and around the ship with colleagues and with guests. Here is another quote that I mentioned in task 5 a , it backs up the importance of the training and knowing all aspects of my job but in different wording.
“The work environment operates in accordance with Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, the Standards for Training Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW), and respective flag state requirements.”
I was also intrigued at other rules that I didn’t know were stated for every ship.The internet resource I found showed me different areas that I hadn't even considered looking at in 5a!
“All crew members receive room and board at no cost and live in a clean, well-maintained living environment. The crew areas on each ship shall be inspected on a regular basis by the ship's master or his representative.”
I always thought that this was just a bonus part of my job with my ship being six star, it has changed my views on working on ships and has definitely opened me up to receiving further jobs on ships in the future.Its not just the passengers that are well looked after it is also the crew, when your working on a vessel for a prolonged period of time it is Important that little areas like your living quarters are comfortable and satisfactory in order for you to love your job. 
“All ships recognize the right of employees to voice complaints. All ships will maintain an environment in which crew members may express complaints and obtain resolution of those grievances without fear of retaliation or retribution.”
I had never though of this point in the above task but it has really made me think that this point should be considered in every job in my professional practice, as a dancer, as a teacher and as a crew member. We have someone we can talk to on the ship that we can talk to confidentially and feel at ease with any of our problems. This is great to know there is always someone around and I feel that in any area of work even at school as a child it is so important for you to know who this is as it can change the way you work and can ultimately give you more confidence,pride and self esteem in the practice that you are in, therefore making you improve in your professional practice.
The dancers code of conduct 
I found two readers on the internet that stated there dance companies code of conduct, I found that most of these were the same as ourselves performing on the ship, here are a few examples:
“Dancers are expected to be responsible for all costuming, shoes, and accessories.”

This applies to my presentation on stage, as a performer it is important to me to make sure my costumes are washed and that I have the correct hair falls, earrings and make up.
“Dancers are expected to maintain a professional attitude during rehearsals, choreography sessions and all events.”

This quote completely backs up my point of being professional at  ALL times, even as a crew member on the ship
From looking at both formats through different professional eyes has really opened me up to new ethics and how other companies and professionals look at them.But whats interesting is how they all link together to the world of work, whether this is being a crew member or a dancer we all share the same ethics and codes that we follow everyday.I also saw some findings that differed from my thoughts and assumptions in 5 a.
Dancers MUST be in attendance the week of rehearsals before a competition or performance of any type. If a dancer is absent the week before competition they will not be eligible to perform.
Excused absences: illness (w/ fever or vomiting), wake, funeral, school related/education related obligation (must notify Michelle in advance). Unexcused absences: a party, last minute cramming for a test, homework, tiredness, a date, a school dance. (Prom is excused)”
I thought this was quite interesting and made me look more into the conduct of what would happen if one of us were ill. Well there is only 7 of us and each of us have such an important part , if one of us is missing our stage looks empty and is alot harder for us to fill in or re block a number if there was 20 of us ! It made me realise how important this code of conduct really is for us on the ship to show up to rehersals, peform full out and make ourselves strong with our fittness, nutrition and sleep maybe moreso to any other production cast on bigger ships. 
Dancers are expected to arrive 10-15 minutes PRIOR to their rehearsal time.”

This is another good point, from my assumptions in 5a I said how you should attend all scheduled rehearsals but what about turning up 10- 15 minutes prior to rehearsal ? When I turn up for rehearsals we quite often go straight in and I can honestly say that I don’t give my body enough time to safely warm it up before whacking our legs up into the air in a full out tech run! Injury is a common factor in a dancers career and this point has made me more aware of the fact that I should be more considerate for my body and should take up extra time in thoroughly warming it up prior the rehearsal!
Both these new points have allowed me to look elsewhere into the codes of practice and regualtions. I have spotted areas that in fact can help me in my own practice and has defined to me how important they are and why we should follow and obey them !

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