Friday, April 8, 2011


This morning I went on to collect my results from survey monkey and I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of feed back I got from the survey I did. From reading the feed back I found it a great way of analyzing other peoples views on the topic of my inquiry.something I will definitely use in the futur ! From looking at my results I found that everyone answered all of my questions except two with one not detailing in their email address. This I find totally understandable being in the current age we are in however with the students who did give me there email addresses I found extremely helpful as I could possibly email them in the future with questions or discussions regarding my enquiry, another helpful source of communication. A few of the questions I used in task 4C developing questions I used in my survey on purpose as I wanted as many different fields of performers to answer the same question to see if it applied to everyone. The answer was yes! every single person on my survey admitted that image is most important in an audition and shockingly a lot of people I found had rather a lot to say about what they would change about there body’s and why, another similar pattern of answer that I got from my cast in task 4C ! I also completed a lot of other students surveys and saw that from studying how everyone displayed theres differently I found the best ways of improving my own in the future. For example I thought that from keeping the surveys short and sweet meant more people would actually commit to answering it and where there was chance to write  an answer would continue to do so rather than a survey that had lots of questions that were perhaps all on the same page making it look too much of an effort to complete ! another tip I would use in future is to maybe spread all my questions out onto different pages. I found that advertising this survey was also an extremely important aspect in order to get the amount of students to complete it. For example I displayed my survey link not only on my blog but on the middlesex face book site, my own site and under some of the discussions that people has posted concerning the dancers image. I also received an email through face book from Hayley Bence who had sent her link not only to the students on the course but to other people from The Hammond, my dance college where I trained. I thought this was an excellent idea and saw how many people had replied to Hayley telling her that they too had completed her survey! Using all these ideas from each other has allowed me to take them into future practice when I come to do my final inquiry and I have noted how beneficial a survey will be.

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